Seen a Chough?
Have you seen a chough in Kent? Then we would love to hear from you. Any information we receive will go towards safe-guarding the future of this charismatic species.
Choughs released or hatched in the wild in Kent are fitted with a unique combination of leg rings. This helps the team identify individuals and monitor their movements.
The metal ring has a unique code engraved on it to identify the individual. This is almost impossible to read in the field so a coloured ring is also fitted. A second coloured ring is used to indicate which year they hatched.
Identifying a Chough
A word of caution: if you are not familiar with seeing choughs in the wild it can be easy to confuse them with other corvids when viewing at a distance. Click HERE for our handy guide to corvid confusion for species found in Kent.
Click here to submit chough sighting
If you have any photos you’d like to share with us, please send them to chough@wildwoodtrust.org.
Thank you for your support.