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Support an appeal

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Blean Bison Project


Wildlife is in crisis, and traditional conservation techniques are failing create the kinds of habitat wildlife needs. It's time to hand the reigns back to nature, using a wilder approach to create a future where there is still hope for wildlife.

The Blean bison are pioneering natural solutions to tackle the biodiversity and climate crises we face. Bringing bison to the Blean will transform the woodlands into a complex, biodiverse mosaic of habitat where nature can once again thrive.



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Restoring choughs to Kent


With your help we could see this charismatic bird flying over the White Cliffs of Dover for the first time in over 200 years!

Wildwood Trust has been running a captive breeding and reintroduction project for chough and are working in partnership with Kent Wildlife Trust and Paradise Park to return this iconic species to the Kent coastline.

Our long term vision is to restore chough across southern England, and Dover is the perfect place to start.



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Help us bring wildcats back to Britain


Our aim is to create the first British population of wildcats outside of Scotland since the 1800’s. The species disappeared from England and Wales a century ago because of persecution during a time when all predators, including Wildcats were considered as vermin.

With your help, we can begin to establish a self-sustaining Wildcat population in areas where they once would have thrived.



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